Love Tips: 4 Things to do when your Girlfriend is Acting Up

Being a boyfriend is not easy. You have to deal with the demands of your girl, her mood swings, her clinginess, but the situation that most fail to handle properly is the crankiness of their girlfriends. You simply run out to calm the situation. Those moments you want the world to slit open and take you in it. Don’t worry we have some tactics to avoid being pissed at your girlfriend when she is throwing tantrums all around:

1. Go out for a walk
You can see temper building in you because of all the useless rants your girlfriend is throwing at you, so contact nature for help. Go out to a park for a good walk. Notice the greenery nature has planted for you, and the beauty and the calm soothing vibes that nature throws at you. This will calm you, and will help you think better about handling the situation that was running out of hand. This will also give you the much needed space that you needed from your girlfriend. The best way to avoid a heated argument

2. Get her something she likes
If you really want your girlfriend to calm down, then you need to get her things she likes. Get her favorite chocolate or a bouquet of flowers. Remember, when she is being cranky, she is desperate for love, and you are the one to give it to her. Do not disappoint her, and shower her with all the love you have. She is your girlfriend, and it would be no harm if you bow down before her, your queen.

3. A friends outing would help
This can be two cases: Either you go out with your friends to clear out the air, or ask her to go with her friends so that she gets distracted from all the problems. Both are functional; the latter being more effective, however. Friends are a perfect distraction from your daily life issues. Bring it to good use. Do not however, spend a lot of time with them. She might be waiting for you. You being absent for a long time might just add fuel to fire. You don’t want your girlfriend to leave you, right

4. Earphones in, forget the world
If your girlfriend can’t help being cranky, you really need to shove those beats up your ear. There is no doubt that music calms you down. Lock yourself up in your room and you know what to do. If you want, you can ask her to listen too. There are minute chances that she agrees, however.