Why I only date married men': Twice divorced serial mistress

 'I believe there are no loyal and honest men, they don't exist. I have no interest in dating single men who will promise me the world then cheat on me.

'When I start to date a married man there is never any pretense of falling in love or long-term commitment.

I know that at the end of the day he will go home to his wife and I'm happy that I will go home alone with no strings attached.'My relationships with married men don't get complicated. That's the way I like it.' 'If a man wants an affair they couldn't wish for a better experience than with me.'
Growing up, Jenny believed in true love and commitment - however, she said that as she got old she ‘realised it was all a fantasy’.
She said: 'As a teenager I saw my dad persistently cheat on my mum. It was heartbreaking. We all knew it was happening and it broke my mum's heart.'The confrontations it caused were awful. I grew up accepting that this is how men behave.'
Jenny had her first serious romance at 15, when she started dating a 21-year-old professional athlete.
She said: 'I was really happy to be in a committed relationship. But then I got first-hand experience of men and I was cheated on.'I was devastated and couldn't believe the same thing had happened to me as my mum.My friends would tell me they were being cheated on too. My early experience of men made me wary.'
At the age of 17, Jenny met the 36-year-old man who would become her first husband.However the relationship eventually fell apart and their divorce was finalised in 2001. Jenny then went on to have the first of her two daughters, who is now 15.
'I see her going through teen heart break already. As a mother I want her protected from cheaters.': 'After my first divorce I was sad but was determined not to let it affect future relationships.'his time I thought it was different.'

In 2003 she fell for a 38-year-old company director and says: 'The couple dated for five years, during which time Jenny had her second daughter, who is now 12.

They married in 2008 but despite her husband remaining faithful, sadly the relationship didn't work out and the pair divorced three years later.
After her second divorce and having to constantly hear of her friends being cheated on, Jenny made the decision to give up on men.

She explained: 'Dating in today's society has changed, it is so dishonest and I didn't want to be part of it.'I realised it is in the male nature to behave this way and firmly believe there's no such thing as a faithful man.'I'm not a man hater - I just don't think men are made to be with one woman. So I don't want to try and be in a relationship if it will end in cheating.'
For this reason, four years ago, Jenny made the decision to only date other women's husbands.
She said: 'As soon as I decided this in my mind it all made sense and I never looked back. The first married man I met was in December 2011 at a club.
Culled from Mailonline

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